
How do Dogs get Distemper? Your Basic Questions Answered

If you have a dog, you’ve at least heard the word “distemper” and know it’s a bad thing for your dog to have.  But what...

The 16 Best Dog Products for 2020

The Coolest Dog Products Every Dog Owner Should Have Being a dog owner means that you are responsible for another life. It is your job...

Introducing BreathVet – The Dog Mouthwash for Dog Breath

Dog owners know that unconditional love includes bad dog breath. Puppy breath starts to change at roughly eight weeks, so all dogs and their...

Dog Walking 101: 14 Items You Need in Your Bag!

On our day trips, I always carry our PawZaar CALL OF THE WALK bag with all the dog walking essentials I’ll need for me...

Smartmouth Dental Chews – Fighting Bad Doggie Breath and Much More

Doggie breath is no laughing matter–but a sign that trouble may be brewing in your dog’s mouth. The smell may be coming from plaque...


